Book-The Worst Interests of the Child: The Trafficking of Children and Parents Through U.S. Family Courts

Keith Harmon Snow’s meticulously documented investigation into sex-trafficking of children by American judges is not to be missed. This scandal is one of the most important censored stories in our country today. I might not believe what Mr. Snow has written if I had not independently investigated two dozen cases not discussed in his article, and found ample evidence of the precise dynamics he lays out for us here. Anyone who says they care about child welfare needs to learn what is happening in family courts and take action until it is stopped. Once you start reading this exposé, you won’t be able to put it down.” —Lundy Bancroft Author of Why Does He Do That? History’s largest-selling book on domestic violence

  "Keith Harmon Snow's meticulously documented investigation into sex-trafficking of children by American judges is not to be missed... I might not believe what Mr. Snow has written if I had not independently investigated two dozen cases not discussed in his article, and found ample evidence of the precise dynamics he lays out for us here. Anyone who says they care about child welfare needs to learn what is happening in family courts and take action until it is stopped. Once you start reading this exposé, you won't be able to put it down."
--Lundy Bancroft, Why Does He Do That?

"It is a national scandal that family courts systematically fail to protect children from physical and/or sexual abuse by a predatory parent. What is equally scandalous is the silence of the mainstream media to cover the issue... With luck, when reporters like Keith Harmon Snow shine a light on the grave injustices taking place in family courts, Americans will be filled with a sense of responsibility and take action to protect children from family court abuses." 
--Garland Waller
Producer, No Way Out But One

"If you are facing the Family Law or Dependency Courts, do not enter until you have read this book by Keith Harmon Snow. We won my daughter's case and protected my grandchildren with the help of the article that led to this book." -- Lori Johnson, Los Angeles

A Broken System: Court Sanctioned Legal Abuse

Extortion and threats play out on a vast scale in divorce and child custody cases — often by means of infusing criminal elements into civil issues. 

A Broken System: Oaths Betrayed In Family Law

The slippery slope ensues with perjury becoming acceptable and oaths sworn upon by judges and lawyers falling to the wayside — clearing the path for varying degrees of misconduct.


Pennsylvania Sentinel-Submit your Complaints

NOTICE TO ALL PENNSYLVANIA POLITICIANS: It doesn’t matter whether you are a Democrat or Republican, the Governor or the Row Officer — We will be relentless in our mission to guard Pennsylvanians from political corruption.  Send them your concerns


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Adoption Laws Change in November


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed HB 162 into law on November 3, 2016.  Effective November 3, 2017, PA-born adoptees at age 18 will have the right to their original birth certificate (OBC) for the first time since 1984.  If the adoptee is deceased, descendants can request a copy of the adoptee’s OBC.

The bill allows birth parents to file a redaction to have their name deleted from the OBC.  A contact preference form may also be filed.

Pennsylvania-born adoptees can now apply for their original birth certificate by following this link:
This is an early acceptance for the applications; however, they will not begin processing them until November 3, 2017.  You will receive your non-certified copy of original birth record by December 18, 2017.  Please allow 45 days processing time for applications submitted on or after Nov. 3, 2017!

Complete the form and mail it back to the Department of Health with $20 check or money order made payable toVital Records”:

Department of Health
Division of Vital Records
Attn:  Adoptee Applications
PO Box 1528
New Castle, PA  16103-1528

To read the full information regarding original birth certificates, you can click this link:

Forms are now available at
For information, please contact Carolyn Hoard,

Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Reality Series: CPS The Horror Stories Wants to Hear From You

We are searching for parents and relatives all over the United States who'd like to share their CPS Horror stories. The world has to know what you've gone through.
Help us change CPS. First, we have to change public opinion. Second, we have to educate the electorate. Third, we must exercise our right to vote.
We are doing interviews now. Our Premier show is scheduled for November 1, 2017. We hope to have the show nationally syndicated, and on Internet television.
Share your story with the world.

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How North Carolina is Fighting Back

For immediate release: Parents in North Carolina are rising up against family court corruption, ineffective court-appointed counsel refusing to submit evidence on their behalf (that sinks a parent in appeals cases because there would be literally nothing for a judge to abuse in discretion), and speaking out against the corruption in the breaking of unconstitutional GAG orders that are set aside for jury trials (which we are waived rights to). These courts have been deemed OPEN to the public, but the parents are facing closed-door decisions and judges who call the secret sessions right in the middle of a hearing. This picture is the direct result of a parent in Buncombe County trying to introduce the truth of his case to the presiding judge over his case. The judge did take mandatory judicial notice of the evidence, but then struck the evidence from the file the same day and a few days later the parent found this notice on the front door of the juvenile clerk of courts office. The public is directed to a bailiff for anything concerning the clerk of courts and the parents couldn't get in to the office anyway; Buncombe County, like others in North Carolina, has a coded lock on the office door. This parent's child has been in the custody of DSS for two years and is the result of a severe violation of the family's rights and the most highly offensive unconstituional seizure Parents Against Loss has ever seen. Throughout the last eleven months since her children were also unconstitutionally seized, a mother fighting for her two children in Guilford County has fired two ineffective court-appointed attorneys, lodged grievances against them and against the judge who denied her children a habeas corpus application, and in retaliation asking for procedural due process, the court has ordered her verbally to not be able to see her file, know what is in it, or file anything to the file. She admits relief in the fact that she was able to file evidence to the file concerning the fraud and omission of truth to her case, but upset because the District Attorney and county Dept of Social Services threw out the hearing she scheduled to address the evidence and what should have been an expedited custody order hearing. "I just want the judge to see the truth and let us go home (in reference to Tennessee, her family's home state according to the Federally mandated Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act). I think my family has been through enough," the mother adds. This family faces a termination of parental rights hearing at the end of this month. In fact, for us reporting this American family's atrocity, that mother fighting in Guilford County could be thrown back into jail. "They have unlawfully gagged me in both district court and superior when they jailed me with no judge's ordrr this last time. I have been in jail three times for standing up for the truth of the matter and I was never a criminal before CPS interfered with my family," she sadly shared. Parents Against Loss poses these questions in regards to the unruliness and chaos of North Carolina Family courts: How are we supposed to appeal a decision if we can not even file the notice? Do we no longer have rights to open court settings? The ability to face our accusers? Speedy trial rights? Rights to be granted freedom when unlawfully restrained? Our children and parents in this state are supposed to have constitutional safeguards considered in family court according to the purpose of the Juvenile Code 7B-100, so ask yourself why aren't those rights being safeguarded? For further information on corrupt family court practices in North Carolina, or if needing assistance for writing a blog or news report concerning these detrimental societal issues, please direct all inquiries to
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