Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have been somewhat out of touch because of many events happening around me.  My writing keeps me busy but then there are also the other distractions that come into play.  Martin Appliance made a service call to fix a leak to my ice maker which ended up flooding my entire basement and kitchen causing $10,000 worth of damages.  What a mess!  The saddest part is Martin Appliance wouldn't stand behind their serviceman's mistake and the damage he caused to my home.  My homeowners insurance through Erie covered everything but I remember when Martin Appliance was a small business and always stood behind their products and would never have denied a customer of 32 years the right to full compensation for damages they cause.  Now that they have several stores they no longer care about loyal customers.  How sad for them!  Then my son, Ian. was burnt in a fire on November 13th and I spent a lot of time at the Lehigh Valley Burn Center and caring for him when he came home.  I have learned a bunch from the experience and now know I am capable of more than I once thought of my squeamish self.  Ian is almost healed.  He should be released from the burn center on December 13th and then start scar creams to help with the tightness and appearance of his scars. 
I miss seeing everybody and socializing and for the life of me wonder how I had time.  The less there is of what I used to do the more those gaps are filled with what I have to do now.  I am still working to keep the Our Robesonia going even though it is only online you can still get a good amount of information about what is going on from the smaller version.  Thanks to my dear friend and website master, John, of JAG Computers for continuing to post it and keep the website going. The website is a perfect and inexpensive place to post a local ad or event.  Plenty of hits are still calculating daily to the site.
I have read that the borough has managed to hold our tax rate.  Yipee for that break.  I haven't been to a meeting since stopping the hard copy of the Our Robesonia so I only get the information that is printed in the Reading Eagle.  I will work harder to get more inside information and pass it on to you.
I am concerned at the growing police log.  The criminals are coming to the suburbs and it seems we have our share of idiots in the area.  Please do your part and report anything out of the ordinary to the local police.  The more eyes that are watching the less chance they have in succeeding to take over our town.
My last suggestion is to remind you all to support our local businesses.  It has not been an easy road to travel for most of them and they deserve whatever support we can give them.  I have to admit that as of late I haven't been out and about contributing but when I do go out I buy local and make sure my dollars stay here in the area.  We have some of the best small businesses around and there is no doubt you will get much better service at a small business than any big box store that does not care about loyal customers.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I hope it is a safe and healthy time for you all.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas in the Village

December 3-4-5
Christmas in the Village
“Giving Back to the Community”
Instead of charging you for a ticket this year each store will donate a percentage of their sales from this three day event to a local charity! To encourage the community to participate in this event the shops will be offering a Grand Prize of $1000.00 in Gifts donated by each shop, PLUS Gift Certificates donated by the local restaurants. The Village Shops will also be offering Free Food & Drink, Santa will be here, Store Specials, Live Music and Lots of Fun for our Community!! So Get Out There & Help Our Community by Shopping for Christmas with US!!! 
See you there!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Heidelberg Township
Great news for Robesonia-More Jobs!
Heidelberg Township holds tax rate why can't all these other boros and townships?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

School Board Opening
Sorry to see Dave leave the school board.  It does worry me that one of the "old boys" will get in and put the screws to us all.  Dave has done a good job holding the line.  Do you know someone from Womesldorf, N. Heidelberg or Marion that would be a good candidate?  We need real people on the board that are out here struggling to keep afloat.  How about Connie Keller or Vickie Madden?  Do you have any ideas?  It's a shame DP Randler lives in Heidelberg.  He'd run a tight ship.
As far as all day kindergarten...bad idea.  Too long of a day for 5 and 6 year olds.  Plus it's gonna cost us!  What's the point?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Comments from Connie Keller on Boro Grant Money

Hi, Vickie!
Your newsletter is certainly going to be missed. It has been entertaining fodder many times with our Friday "lunch bunch." I would like to comment on your Community Grant Issue article in the Sept. paper. Quote: Communication lines between council and the committee got BLURRED? From Jan. until June of this year? HELLO? I'm in my 11th year on the Womelsdorf council (I'm a glutton for punishment).
At each and every meeting, committee chairmen are asked to give a report. Forgive me if I have the figures wrong......$174,000 GRANT and no one asked, "what's happening with the grant monies?" Shame on you guys, and you too, Mr. Randler, I know you're at every meeting! Council members SHOULD be footing the bill if they left something that huge slip through their fingers. I've known Mr. Rohrbach since 1959, so I know where he stands on money issues. COME ON! Someone wasn't paying attention! Where was the rest of her committee? We're only human, and we all make mistakes. Let's see how many more anxiously step up to the plate to fill Ms. Phillips' position when it's empty! It's a thankless job!
Good luck in your writing endeavors.
Connie Keller-Sheffy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Disrespect Stops Annonymous Postings

Due to a few people showing disrespect and rudeness toward local business owners and myself I will no longer accept anonymous postings.  I am amazed how little most people know about this town and the people that live here.  They are surely in the dark about me and the more successful people who live and work here.  Some claim to be newcomers.  (FYI, I receive the identity of everyone who posts on my blog)  I refuse to allow their contempt to play out on this blog.  I am sorry to say I know these people and cannot believe the nasty personalities they have or have developed.  Is it jealousy?  For many yes.  Is it misconstrued information?  Absolutely!  Whatever their issues may be I will not allow them to use this site as a means to stomping on those that have worked for improvement and positive change for Robesonia.  It is a disgrace to pick on a child because of your own issues.  You really need to stop separating Fry Manor from Robesonia.  How does one become so closed minded or redirected into thinking Robesonia 19551 is not my home town because I grew up in Fry Manor?  That flawed way of thinking only comes from one small flock of people.  If you really want to share your distorted points of view I think everyone should know who you are not just me and those I tell.  My guess is all cowards will stay in their closets and continue to feed off of each other.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Criminals Strike Again!

Flower pots were knocked over again at the East end of Robesonia.  It is thought to have happened after the football game.  Did you see anyone do this?  Please report it to the local police if you did.  We need to stop this senseless behavior!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Loser destroys property in Robesonia

What possess anyone to destroy the American flag and lighting at a memorial wall?  I was appalled to hear that while I was away some loser or losers had nothing better to do than walk around town abusing things that don't belong to them.  The hard work that was put into the park and the time the Boyscouts took to place all the flags on Penn Ave. didn't matter to the creeps who did the damage.  Is it that they hate America?  Are they retards that need to be locked up?  Are they kidz with no parental supervision?  If you know who did this damage or any damage in town please contact the police, the boro hall, or post it on here.  I have dealt with losers in this town before and at that time boro officials refuse to meet with them so they could speak of what they knew without public acknowledgement.   According to the Reading Eagle the boro secretary is now aware of the retaliation concerns for many residents.  She deals first hand with complaints and issues that affect the town and unlike some council members understands anonymous is sometimes the only way to get people who have the info to come forward.  Maybe if the council president would have offered residents the same open door when they requested it last year more people would be willing to talk.  2 of those long time Robesonia families moved away because of the property destruction and criminal activity they were experiencing.  I felt forced to print their concerns for the awareness and was disappointed when those in charge wiggled their way out of granting a meeting or even a phone call to address their concerns.  I surely hope that door is open and ignorance on the back burner.  What does it matter where the information is coming from when the goal is to get the information.  I do believe that line of communication has opened and that if you know something about a crime occurring it is your obligation to report it.  Find a way to get the information to the right people even if you must do it anonymously.  The boro has stepped up and is even offering a $200 reward for info that leads to catching the crimminals.

Back in Robesonia

Sorry I have been out of touch and the blog was shut down for a tad.  I could not accept mail or send mail out.  I am back now and I am happy to say I got a real good start on book # 2.  I met my agents demands and got out of town at the same time.  I have learned an awful lot about the publishing industry.  With my talanted and gracious agent I feel more confident than ever that I will not only meet the deadlines for these books but that I will be re-signed in March.  I will try and update as time allows but plan on going into seclusion up to and until I have completed this book.  In April I will reevaluate my position and decide weather or not to bring the Our Robesonia out of retirement.  Because the newsletter was a huge contribution to my being contracted as an author I will start printing it again if there is any way possible.  Feel free to keep me updated with issues and concerns and I will get them out there through this blog and my Our Robesonia website.  Thanks for all of the support and keep the comments coming.  I have one page full and I'll keep adding what you send in the final October issue.  .

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Main Street Boro News Update

Council: Mayor-Randy Gartner, President-Harvey Marshall, Vice President-Abby Wertz, Jeff Gerhart, Bob Pierce, Dave Rohrbach, Mike Kocher, Joyce Phillips, Secretary- Lisa Heilman, Solicitor-Andy George, Engineer-Dave Bright, Police Chief-Scott Wagner. Abby Wertz ran the meeting. Harvey was absent. Joyce Phillips was removed from the Beautification Committee but the aftermath of all her errors will be felt for sometime. The boro has already been billed $3500 in attorney fees for this fiasco and it is sure to be thousands more by the time it is all cleared up. Bids must still be advertised for the shelters and if the current company is not the lowest bidder the boro is responsible for the monies. All 7 council members are on the hook to pay a portion of the cost toward the 2 bus shelters that Phillips illegally signed an agreement for. She also has no agreement from Twinch or the Sunoco to place them on their properties. Sunoco employees claim they do not want a bus shelter which would cause traffic hazards at the already dangerous
intersection. Unless Phillips or someone comes forward to pay for the soon to be delivered shelters council members must foot the bill. Phillips could regain some dignity if she would offer to pay the solicitor and for the shelters as an effort to make amends for her errors. Communication lines between council and the committee got blurred soon after the grant money was awarded. From Jan. of this year until the June meeting council had no idea where and how the committee was spending the money. Council never approved any spending by the committee nor were they presented with the budget of spending that was submitted with the grant application. The unseating of Phillips was handled with the upmost respect from council members. Phillips was given the opportunity to step down at a behind closed door meeting and had agreed but later chose to state her case right up to the seconds before council voted her off. Gartner explained in detail numerous problems with how grant money was handled and the position Phillips has left council in both financially and the embarrassment the committees actions have caused Robesonia. Attorney George also attempted to explain to Phillips the legal issues concerning her signature on a contract she was not authorized to sign. Phillips said she called the bus shelter company and that the shelters were put on hold until these issues are worked through. Atty. George said he also called the shelter company and was told the shelters are finished and ready for delivery. Ouch! After 30 minutes of explanations from both sides Abby made the motion to remove Phillips which was seconded by Pierce and unanimously agreed by council. A motion by Abby to appoint Mike Kocher, seconded by Rohrbach and unanimously agreed upon. Phillips asked if she could still serve on the committee and council said no.   V. Richards ask Atty. George if left over grant money could be used to pay the attorney fees? Grant money is for items and improvements to the Main Street district. There is an allowance of 20% for administration fees but your committee didn’t take advantage of that and that’s why we are all in this mess. Gartner explained that when grants were applied for in the past both the engineer and the solicitor reviewed all actions. Phillips ignored an email from the engineer, SSM, who offered to review documents. Rohrbach made it clear to her that she was not following proper procedure. Rohrbach said she responded by saying she “would rather buy all the goodies she could not advice”. Rohrbach claims she just “would not listen.” She just refuses to admit when she is wrong.”
Bus Shelters for sale.
In other business K. Richards brought to the attention of the boro that the Boca Code book he purchased for $60 is dated 1998 and is missing everything current. He also said the boro website has errors with dates and wrong street names listed on the map. Police officer, Ed Wilson, will not accept the offer from boro on his contracted healthcare coverage. He will be filing a grievance. The boro is working on the 2011 budget. Repaving Maple Street has been advertised for bids. A traffic study required by the state is needed before any further steps can be taken to stop truck traffic on S. Church St. at a cost of $2000+. Boro is considering eliminating playground for 1 year due to poor attendance and interest.
At the workshop meeting council voted to pay $2,470 for the gateway banners and $106 for a bucket truck to install them on the utility poles. EJB was awarded $23,490 to mill Maple Ave. in September. The Main Street Project is back on track with Mike Kocher as chairman. Now that the embarrassment of the Main Street kayos has quieted down rumor has it there is more scandal about to break in Robesonia. Time will tell…
Villa Studio is moving into the empty spot where Bountiful Harvest was.
Joe Nemecs ( Johnny & Hons) new bar is opening in September.
Pizza Hut is opening in September.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Greater Berks Food Bank
Where: Grounds of Wernersville State Hospital – Building 5 – Berks Encore Center (610) 670-1372
When: 3rd Thursday of each month (3rd Fri in October)
Line forms at 8:00 – Food bank open at 10:30 – 12:30 or later
First Come – First Served
Anyone in need in the local area / Berks County – and falls within income guidelines is eligible. If you think you won’t qualify – but you need help – please call Rachel. In today’s world where some are greedy – it’s no time to be proud. Help is available. It’s not only for the lazy people – it’s for those of us who work and are still struggling to make ends meet.  Senior Citizens take advantage of this program.

Penn Avenue Project

After researching and working on small town economics for 7 years I have learned a good deal of information that would benefit Robesonia. I have implemented a lot of them through this newsletter. I would have liked to be on the Main Street committee and part of the revitalization plan but I don’t associate with any of those that would have offered that opportunity. It is unfortunate that certain people cannot put aside personal issues and allow others to share in decisions being made in our town. I feel I have a lot to offer on the topic but because I have different views on many subjects, my input was not asked for. I have personally visited many small towns and have spoken to the chairpersons in charge of many Main Street projects. Every town had a drawn and written plan for a 5-10 year project with an outline of the phases. The plan could be picked up at their boro hall and was published on their boro website. I have not seen any published plan for Robesonia. After years of research my course of action would have first been to establish the business district here (which I have). I would hold many meetings with these business owners for their input (which I do) on what would bring them more traffic. What type of décor would be most inviting? What they would be willing to contribute? I would look into selling Shop Robesonia First dollars (yes it is legal) to residents at half price to promote visiting our businesses. I would establish a yearly membership fund for businesses that would include them in a distributed newsletter which consists of our business directory, our public service directory, a calendar of our events and attractions, ads for our events, a website business page, business of the month & eatery of the month. That newsletter would be available at public places and their businesses. Each member would receive a special Shop Robesonia First store plaque. Blue ribbon cuttings would be held for all new businesses. All these things help support the reason for having a “Main Street” and are what the project is intended for. It isn’t just about decoration. We do not need bus stops here at this time. We do not need more benches where nobody sits. We need to keep the businesses we have and offer incentives to invite new ones. We all want our town to look clean (nice trash receptacles would be good) have charm and display our pride with tasteful beautification. With change comes some risk but we have to start at the core and work on a goal that includes growth. I have been doing that. You can trim Robesonia with all kinds of things but if you don’t have the basics of businesses what is the appeal and how will you afford to maintain it? It is in ALL of our best interest to support these small town tradesmen. They are the core of America and our small towns. Every time you ignore them and invest elsewhere when you could spend here we risk losing them. Imagine Robesonia with no business. It can happen and it does when people don’t work together to maintain and rally to support them. If the boro is unwilling to appoint the right people to master that task, maybe I will take it on and add to what I already do.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Teacher GREED

Are you willing to hand over your house and quality of life because of teacher greed and a school board who is not willing to start firing those demanding more more more?  By now everyone is probably aware that the Weiser teachers are not agreeing to contract offers.  Do you think it's time for the school board to start handing out the pink slips?  Let this group who feel they are so underpaid stand in the unemployment line.  Maybe they can get lucky and find a $10,000 a year job with no health insurance and that $50-80,000 job with $39 per month family health benefits will start looking pretty good. As for your pension, your problem not ours!  As bad as things are for most of Americans the greedy people in our school districts just don't GET IT!  Somehow, sometime soon, this attitude of we are better and worth more than all of you because we went to college and got a degree and we are the future of your children blah blah blah needs to be silenced.  Get over it.  Enough is enough.  Be happy (for once) with what you have and let us taxpayers alone.  I don't feel I should owe for life because I had 2 children go through the school system.  Foolish spending and extremely high salaries need to come to an end.  If it takes replacing every single teacher, board member, superintendent, nurse, librarian........then we need to demand the hatchet starts swinging.  I am not willing to give up my home and my quality of life because of teacher GREED!  Are you?????

Council STOPS spending of $147,000 grant (tax payer $)

Monday nights boro council meeting brought up concerns regarding possible illegal actions of the Beautification committee headed by Joyce Phillips. With no experience in grant procedures councilwomen Phillips carelessly spent thousands of taxpayer dollars without advertising for bids from local business owners. This money may now have to be paid back which should come directly from Phillips checkbook not the taxpayers. Warned by councilman Dave Rohrbach about the right way things are to be done, Phillips opted to forgo expert advice and proceed on her own with a few uneducated residents on the committee. Rohrbach quit the committee and he and Randy Gartner showed disappointment in how Phillips handled most everything but mostly the town clock that she has a $13,000 deposit on.  Placement of a clock had been decided when the HP Memorial Park was built but Phillips is trying to change that plan. This behavior is the norm for Phillips who has a long history of personal vendettas with town people in which she has used her council position to threaten individuals and cause unecessary problems. The issues she has with Dave Randler seem to have started with a Christmas contest she held and expected Randler to supply FREE prizes for.  He refused. In the past the Christmas and landscaping contests were run by Randler and the Our Robesonia.  We worked together. Phillips assumed Randler would just give her all the prizes. With that and feeling she was eliminated from the Christmas Trail celebration she has been accused of spreading vicious rumors about Randler and has told people not to shop at businesses in the Randler complex.  Here are some of the numbers and items:  20 flower pots, flowers ($8,400), 46 Gateway, Holiday, & or Patriotic Banners, 2 streetline wreaths (21,408 + shipping), 1152 small flags ($438) 3 sided post and signs trash receptacles ($8769), 8 benches abd bases ($8171) 2 bus shelters and bases ($16,241), Christmas LED lights & decor ($7762), base for clock ($1668), electric and conduit for clock ($1750) Randy Gartner already placed this behind the wall, and the clock (25,639).  All were purchased by the committee from businesses or given to contractors from everywhere but here in our own town. Nothing was put out for bids and most items could have been purchased right here keeping our tax dollars in Robesonia, avoiding shipping costs ($544 to date). Phillips who claims to care so much about this town has little to no respect for the other businesses that are here. All of the complaints could have easily been avoided if the opportunity would have been offered to Quality Signs, DP Randler (could have saved boro $2600 on the pots).  Grosiflex may have even donated all 20 flower pots but due to the mission of the committee to avoid Robesonia businesses not one member of the committee bothered to ask or include their own towns people. There is also a witness to Phillips using her council seat to threaten a man with arrest who parks in front of her daughters store. He is to attend the next council meeting. I personally spoke to several businesses the day they received pots and not one was told they were to maintain it (water, mow and or trim around it, keeping it neat).  They all assumed the boro was doing maintenance. Phillips claims all those who got pots were aware of the taking care of them.  Not one person I talked to heard from any council or committee person.  Phillips told Randler he could have called her and asked to bid on the flower pots.  Sorry Joyce, the bidding process doesn't work like that. How council left Phillips run this train so far off track I cannot figure out. I asked at the meeting and got no response from any council member. Randler asked that council remove Phillips from her council seat due to unethical behavior and the potential for once again causing the boro unnecessary legal issues. A local contractor put 22 hours into bidding and preparing proposals for the cement work for the benches and bus stops. Phillips does not have him listed on the budget to do the work. Oh yeah, he is from Robesonia and was an easy target for FREE advice. All $147,000 was outsourced. Robesonia residents should be outraged that someone with so little education was appointed and given control of this project. If Robesonia is going to keep our businesess and bring in new ones we ALL need to support them!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wernersville Correction Center UPDATE

It’s been almost 2 months since the initial public meeting was held at a local church to discuss the Wernersville Community Corrections Center. On Thursday May 20 a follow-up meeting was held at the WCCC to follow-up on the progress of items brought to the attention of the Director and Staff at CCC during the initial meeting.

The first meeting brought out over 100 local residents, many of whom came with anger, concern, fear and frustration. This second meeting, there were barely 30 local residents in attendance. Honestly, I was kind of embarrassed that so many came out to demand actions and answers, and now after much progress has been made, not near as many attended. I will say that at least 10 or more residents spoke up and thanked CCC for the noticeable changes and response to local community requests and suggestions.

Many things that were asked for were addressed; curfew is now 7:00 PM unless a resident has a job which keeps him out later; residents no longer can walk along 422 and into Wernersville and the surrounding areas; residents are to stay on the grounds of the center; CBFC offers bus runs to various locals – grocery store, job searches; there are now only 2 sign outs per day rather than 3, and these sign outs must be planned and approved the prior week.; wires have been installed for a facility computer lab – waiting on equipment; CCC is in the process of getting quotes for food vendors – but based on a suggestion by the community, a lunch truck now visits; increased vending is being implemented i.e. cigarettes; a running route and rec area has been outlined on campus. Census numbers were posted for all to see the numbers of residents and the crimes committed leading to incarceration.

CCC has established a community roundtable and encourages participation. This roundtable is held at CCC at 9:00 AM on the first Tuesday of each month. If you would like to participate, contact Michelle Zvorsky at, or by calling the Center at 610-621-5360. Michelle is also working on, and with many volunteer opportunities such as Adopt a Highway; residents have already helped with projects in Robesonia borough and Encore located on State Hospital Grounds. The residents have buffed floors, gardened and painted – some for the required 8 hours of community service, but most for nothing more than the good feeling of having contributed. There is always room to grow, per Tracy Jacobson, and if anyone from the local community has a skill or trade to share, to help these men fit into communities better (i.e. cooking, budgeting, parenting), Michelle would like to hear from you. There is currently an opening for a Family Alliance teacher, which is per diem. Any interested parties, again – contact Michelle. Since the initial meeting, there are at least 55 community volunteers, some of whom attended that meeting, serving both inside and outside of the facility.

Questions were still raised regarding how drug and/or alcohol issues are handled. There are random canine drug searches, weekly property searches, and weekly urine tests. Breathalyzer tests are also done upon return from sign outs. A recent incident where a resident tried to bring alcohol into the Center, got him a free pass back to state prison within 2 hours.

A monthly newsletter is now published and available currently at local borough halls, post offices and libraries. In the near future, a website will be available with information regarding staff, programs, volunteer opportunities and frequently asked questions about the CCC.

It was noted that this is the first opening of such a center in more than 16 years, and none of the panel members were involved in such a startup. It’s a new experience where not much time was given before the Center was to be up and running. Now, other state Centers are looking to Wernersville CCC for examples in managing and running their Centers.

Ms. Jacobson offered tours to anyone in the Community, who wants to take a tour and learn more about the CCC. Please contact Tracy at the Center number 610 621-5360.

Personally, I’d like to again thank Representative Jim Cox, Senator Mike Folmer, Tracey Jacobson and all the staff and residents of the Wernersville CCC for doing their best to fit into our Community. I appreciate the diligence of WCCC for trying to maintain, in one gentleman’s words, a ‘good neighbor policy’.

From your Our Robesonia Reporter at Large….Beth Sattizahn

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Correction Center Meeting

Another meeting scheduled at the Wernersville Correction Center at 6pm on May 20th.  They claim to have made changes to policies and security.  There has been less walking traffic and not the usual loitering at Redners from what I have observed.  Please make an effort to attend this meeting and voice your concerns about the daily operation at the prison and what the future plans are for the whole complex.  How many inmates?  What would happen if the state hospital closes, will this be a huge prison?  What are the new rules to protect the public?  Beth Sattizahn will write an update in the June Our Robesonia.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Correction Center Meeting Update

A meeting was held on Thursday 3/25 at a local church where local residents could come ask questions to the Director of the Community Corrections Center, located off Sportsman Road in Wernersville. Representative Jim Fox and Senator Mike Folmer arranged this meeting, as their offices received many calls from concerned residents.  I attended this meeting from an impartial position so that I could report the story that way, but I admit I am pretty partial as I too am a concerned resident of the Community and having a Correctional Facility dumped in our small town makes me nervous.  The meeting was a forum to ask questions, present concerns and get answers to them.  A panel of folks representing CCC including the Director, Dept Secretary for Corrections, several employees of CCC and a Probation and Parole representative.  The church was filled with well over 100 people in attendance who expressed their fears and concerns. I will do my best to report my understanding of them, and the answers given.
Q: Why was Wernersville selected for this facility?
A: The State Dept. of General Services contacted Dept of Corrections when Fire Tree left and made them aware of the facility.
Q: How many residents are currently housed?
241 – 90 are pre-releases, meaning they are within a year of serving their minimum sentence and have been without behavioral incidents in the prison facility. 150 of the residents are parolees – and these individuals could easily be living in your town or be your neighbor and you may not even know it.
Q: What is the nature of crimes committed?
A: Although the numbers presented were sketchy, I recall 3 murderers; 49 robberies, and 1 kidnap. The majority are drug related offenses.

Q: Why are these people saturating our communities, libraries, eateries, grocery stores, etc.?
A: The residents are allowed to sign out and have time parameters for their return. The CCC has provided 8 computers so far, and are trying to get more to alleviate tying up all local library computers. They travel by walking or public transportation to the local grocery stores as they must buy their own food and prepare their own meals. DOC will address the issues of groups filling up local eateries where parents used to feel it was safe to allow older children to patronize.

Q: Why are these residents allowed out late at night?
A: There are 3 curfew times – 7 PM, 9 PM and 10 PM. Residents must earn the later curfews, and most are related to jobs. Currently 31 residents have jobs. DOC will address the issue of curfews and setting more structured access to community for its residents. Public safety is their number one concern.

Q: Why are the residents of CCC depleting the local food bank? (Yes folks there is a local food bank on the grounds of Wernersville State Hospital for anyone in the community who needs it)
A: Residents of CCC volunteer time to help stock the food bank. Between 5 and 8 residents a month, only after volunteering, can take from the food bank.
The Deputy Secretary for DOC promised to address issues and concerns raised at Thursday’s meeting within 30 days. The panel was responsive and is willing to regularly interact with the local community to resolve issues and to help make the program of integrating into communities for these residents a success. CCC will contact local boroughs to submit updates in order to keep the community aware of happenings and progress on these concerns. A CCC employee also asked the community to embrace the facility and welcomes volunteers to be role models, coaches and mentors to these men who all they know is big city crime and survival skills. Several residents and churches including CBFC who hosted the meeting have successful volunteer and mentoring relationships and in some cases are teaching the CCC residents life skills so they can integrate into the community.
I don’t believe anyone who sat in the meeting on Thursday night at CBFC denies that people deserve second chances. As humans, we mess up – and those of us who do mess up are grateful for grace and mercy shown to us by our family, friends and neighbors.
We are grateful for the second chance and with an attitude of repentance and humbleness we move forward in life trying not to make the same mistakes again.
Residents presented some very real concerns and some, rightly so – were visibly upset. For the most part, I observed fear expressed respectfully but there were community residents who demand respect and cultural awareness speak out in manners that did not project an example of the respect they spoke of.
Plans are being made for future community meetings with CCC. Please contact Rep. Jim Cox or Senator Mike Folmer for this information.
Thank you to Calvary Bible Fellowship Church for providing a meeting place, and staff to operate sound equipment for this meeting.
Make a note of this number – put it in your cell phone or car – and if you observe any inappropriate behavior call CCC and it will be addressed immediately – per the Director. (610) 621-5360.
Your Our Robesonia correspondent at large…..Beth Sattizahn
More info at:
Thank you Beth for your impartial view. I have a feeling that some of the second chance
people will change their tune when there home is broken into, there child is kidnapped, their mother is raped, or their car is stolen. Here are some pix of the prison buildings. They are located on Main St. at the end, last 2 buildings on the right. Wfmz has created a blog on this subject in Topix

Monday, March 22, 2010

Local Salaries

As promised here are some of the earnings of local people. 
Carol Kennedy-$22,000 Retail Sales, 4 yr. Business Degree
Barry Meade-$33,000 Account Manager Tech Solutions, 4 yr technical engineer Degree
Mary Allger-$8,200 Waitress, High School
Sharon Miller-$12,000 Waitress, 4 yr. Business Degree
Gary Degler-Robesonia Streets Department $31,200
Lisa Heilman-$30,000 Robesonia Borough Secretary
Vickie Correll-$8,551.00 Tax Collector, High School Diploma
Grace Ketner-$21,000 Sales support, GED
Brad Pagerly-$38,000 Truck driver
Mitch Rogers-$35,360 Order picker, High school diploma
Paul Lantz-$42,000 CPA 4 yr degree
Gov. Rendell-$174.435 Govenor of PA (just as a comparrison to a Weiser superintendent)
These jobs are mostly year round positions.  Most have limited health benefits.
I'll post more as I get them.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Meeting with Senator Cox on the Wernersville Correction Facility

If you can attend this meeting do so.  The more people to ask questions and demand answer on this prison the better.  These prisoners are roaming our streets and loitering at businesses.  They are repeat and violent offenders.  That means rape, murder, assault, burglary etc.  Many of them are not from Berks County.  They are not fenced in and are barely monitored as they tour our communities.  There have been break ins and harrasement incidences directly related to these prisoners.  Attend this meeting and be heard!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Important information on the Wernersville Corrections Center

Important information on the Wernersville County Corrections Center

Please read the following blog for factual information on the WCCC.  If you want a copy of the list of inmates you can request it from the Department of Corrections.
Please help pass this information around so everyone knows exactly what is going on at this facility.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Healthy Diet & Exercise vs Fast food and Lazy

I have always eaten a healthy diet and I am in the gym everyday.  I passed these habits onto my sons and they seem to understand the healthy diet stuff but somewhere along the way have come to believe big mucsles and weight loss can come from a bottle.  A billion dollar a year industry has conned so many people into believing there is a shortcut around eating healthy and exercising.  It is just not true.  Have people lost weight on these pills and programs?  Yes.  Have they kept it off?  Very few.  The fast food industry has really wrecked the health of countless people in the US.  Last year a study was done to prove just how BAD this stuff is.  A healthy man proved this by eating McDonalds food 3 times a day for 30 days and gave up his normal exercise routine.  His weight went from 185.5 to 210lbs.  His cholesterol went from 163-230.  His body fat from 11-18.  He became fatigued, had headaches and felt just plain crappy until the end of the study.  His liver was struggling to function.  He reversed the damage of just 30 days by detoxing with a healthy diet and exercise.  It took 8 weeks for his blood test to return to the starting numbers and 5 months to lose the 24.5lbs he gained.  Now imagine most of obese America who have made this restaurant a regular dining place and have been and will continue to do so.  There are only 7 items on the McD's menu with no sugar.  They are french fries, sausage, hash browns, coffee, ice tea and chicken nuggets.  You can barely find chicken in those nuggets.  They are 98% chemicals a over processed garbage.  Even the salads have sugar.  A premium chicken salad has 51 grams of fat which is more than a Bic Macat 24 grams.  Imagine eating this crap daily and most people have Supersized their order.  That supersized drink alone can contain up to 18 tablespoons of sugar.  Gross!  We rarely have drank soda at our house but a lot of our friends and family drink cases or dozens of liters a week.  Why am I fat and feel like shit?  The fat content in a Happy meal can be 41 grams 11 of which are saturated.  Don't feed this garbage to your kids.  As a parent I took my boys to outdoor playgrounds and never visited the McDonalds play pens.  They are a business and they have marketed it very well but their food can destroy your health.  Lots of fat, lots of carbs, lots of sugar, your body doesn't stand a chance!  Do you know in 2004 Congress passed the "Cheeseburger Bill" making it illegal to sue fast food companies for obesity?  Where is that government that is suppose to protect us?  Out to lunch eating organic, low calorie, low sugar, low fat, healthy food.  Bet ya!  Some schools are getting in on the healthy ways to eat and incorporating more exercise as mandatory.  Kids don't need soda machines in school.  But because of some very bad habits their parents have they do need an education on diet and exercise.  Here is the link to "Supersize Me" everyone should watch it.  This should be shown in schools & homes nationwide.  Enjoy and share.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two Sides

I received both positive and negative comments about posting the the Weiser salalries.  Hit a nerve and I guess I didn't realize it was such a big deal.  Salaries are public info and sharing them shouldn't bring shame and anger.  Although most of us feel our work is important if you read some of the comments on the blog it is obvious some people feel their work is over and beyond what the rest of us do for a paycheck. I also got a sense that some feel they need not produce what they are paid for. What I have learned from the post is that if my child doesn’t learn it’s my fault no matter what salary someone is being paid to teach them. Oh, and my job, cooking and caring for the elderly, just isn’t as important as being a teacher.  How sad that some of them feel they are worth so much more than the rest of us.  I received an email stating it was my fault if my children didn't learn how to balance a checkbook or write neatly.  Ummm I am sending my children to school for an education.  I have always been very involved in their schooling and found the statement very self serving.  I did teach them these things even though teachers at Weiser were being paid to teach them.  Sending my son to college at $60,000 a year I would expect teachers to teach him.  I am not checking up on everything he does and I don't feel it's my fault if a teacher can't teach him. It is their job!  When you are paying the amount of taxes we pay to have our children attend safe schools where they are suppose to be being taught they shouldn't walk away undereducated.  If I don't do my job I am held accountable for it.  I can't just blame family members or co-workers.  I also got badgered about my life.  I have been very honest and forthcoming in the Our Robesonia about all aspects, good and bad, of this life I live.  I assume most people know us and know the facts.  But it was more an issue to some if I am married or divorced, how much money I earn, what I own, how much money Dennis earns...I tried to answer and correct those issues.  Nothing to hide here.  I am also gathering the info on local salaries including mine to post and prove there is no comparison.  Where some of the remarks came from is beyond me.  I clearly stated my issue was more with administration than with teachers.  I know quite a few teachers in the district and I admire what they do and how they do it.  Sorry to be honest but not all teachers at Weiser are good.  Some need to retire and others I believe truly don't want to teach.  It is a paycheck.  They may be few but my sons both managed to have to sit through their unproductive classes.  I did complain about them but nothing was ever done.  Guess that is why more and more kids are home schooling.  I do believe we could employ a much more effective and less costly administration.  All around us people who think they are unreplaceable are being replaced by lower paid and much smarter people.  It is 2010 and things are back sliding.  We take pay cuts, are refused pay raises, have no health insurance and are afraid the market will eat up our retirement.  As realistic as I see all this I will continue to get pounded by those who are always on higher ground and just don't get it.  They'll call me names and berate my talents but I will still continue to tell it like I see it.