Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Report Fraud-Waste-Abuse-Mismanagement and Misconduct


Report Corruption, Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Mismanagement or Misconduct 

  What is the DHS OIG Hotline?

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline is a resource for Federal employees and the public to report allegations of employee corruption, civil rights and civil liberties abuses, program fraud and financial crimes, and miscellaneous criminal and non-criminal activity associated with waste, abuse or fraud affecting the programs and operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

What should I report?

  • Employee Corruption involving bribery, embezzlement, espionage and smuggling;

  • DHS Program Fraud / Financial Crimes involving blackmail, contract fraud, grant fraud, immigration fraud and program theft;

  • Civil rights or civil liberties abuses involving custodial deaths, denial of rights, profiling and use of force concerns;

  • Criminal and non-criminal misconduct within DHS involving abuse and violence, child pornography, unauthorized use of DHS Information Technology systems, suspicious activity, ethics violations, and prohibited personnel practices such as Whistleblower retaliation.

Why should I contact the OIG? 
All Americans have a stake in the success and effectiveness of DHS and DHS employees are required to report alleged wrongdoing. OIG also protects reporting DHS employees from becoming victims of retaliation. For more information, please refer to our Whistleblower Resources.

What should my report include?

Give as much information as possible (i.e., names of alleged offenders, victims, witnesses, etc., and leads on any applicable data, documentation or other evidence).   

 How can I report an allegation?

Allegation Form (Recommended)
1-800-323-8603 toll free
1-844-889-4357 toll free 
U.S. Mail:
DHS Office of Inspector General/MAIL STOP 0305
Attn: Office of Investigations - Hotline
245 Murray Lane SW
Washington, DC 20528-0305

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Break Down of How CPS Was Enabled to STEAL CHILDREN!

Here it is broken down: GOOGLE IT PEOPLE
The corrupt business of CPS and foster families adopting these poor babies that us parents abuse and neglect.
• In 1974 Walter Mondale promoted the Child Abuse and Prevention Act which began feeding massive amounts of federal funding to states to set up programs to combat child abuse and neglect. From that came Child "Protective" Services, as we know it today. After the bill passed, Mondale himself expressed concerns that it could be misused. He worried that it could lead states to create a "business" in dealing with children.
• Then in 1997 President Clinton passed the "Adoption and Safe Families Act." The public relations campaign promoted it as a way to help abused and neglected children who languished in foster care for years, often being shuffled among dozens of foster homes, never having a real home and family. In a press release from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services dated November 24, 1999, it refers to "President Clinton’s initiative to double by 2002 the number of children in foster care who are adopted or otherwise permanently placed."
• The United States Department of Health & Human Services administers Child Protective Services. To accompany the ASF Act, the President requested, by executive memorandum, an initiative entitled Adoption 2002, to be implemented and managed by Health & Human Services. The initiative not only gives the cash adoption bonuses to the states, it also provides cash adoption subsidies to adoptive parents until the children turn eighteen.
• The way that the adoption bonuses work is that each state is given a baseline number of expected adoptions based on population.
• For every child that DSS can get adopted, there is a bonus of $4,000 to $6,000.
• But that is just the starting figure in a complex mathematical formula in which each bonus is multiplied by the percentage that the state has managed to exceed its baseline adoption number. The states must maintain this increase in each successive year. [Like compound interest.] The bill reads: "$4,000 to $6,000 will be multiplied by the amount (if any) by which the number of foster child adoptions in the State exceeds the base number of foster child adoptions for the State for the fiscal year." In the "technical assistance" section of the bill it states that, "the Secretary [of HHS] may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to assist states and local communities to reach their targets for increased numbers of adoptions for children in foster care." The technical assistance is to support "the goal of encouraging more adoptions out of the foster care system; the development of best practice guidelines for expediting the termination of parental rights; the development of special units and expertise in moving children toward adoption as a permanent goal; models to encourage the fast tracking of children who have not attained 1 year of age into pre-adoptive placements; and the development of programs that place children into pre-adoptive placements without waiting for termination of parental rights."
What’s in it for the foster family to adopt -Foster family incentives?
• After the adoption is finalized, the State and federal subsidies continue. The adoptive parents may collect cash subsidies until the child is 18. If the child stays in school, subsidies continue to the age of 22. There are State funded subsidies as well as federal funds through the Title IV-E section of the Social Security Act. The daily rate for State funds is the same as the foster care payments, which range from $410-$486 per month per child. Unless the child can be designated "special needs," which of course, they all can.
• The adoptive parents also receive Medicaid for the child, a clothing allowance and reimbursement for adoption costs such as adoption fees, court and attorney fees, cost of adoption home study, and "reasonable costs of food and lodging for the child and adoptive parents when necessary to complete the adoption process." Under Title XX of the Social Security Act adoptive parents are also entitled to post adoption services "that may be helpful in keeping the family intact," including "daycare, specialized daycare, respite care, in-house support services such as housekeeping, and personal care, counseling, and other child welfare services". [Wow! Everything short of being knighted by the Queen!]
• The subsidy profile actually states that it does not include money to remodel the home to accommodate the child. But, as subsidies can be negotiated, remodeling could possibly be accomplished under the "innovative incentives to remove barriers to adoption" section. The subsidy regulations read that "adoption assistance is based solely on the needs of the child without regard to the income of the family." What an interesting government policy when compared to the welfare program that the same child’s mother may have been on before losing her children, and in which she may not own anything, must prove that she has no money in the bank; no boats, real estate, stocks or bonds; and cannot even own a car that is safe to drive worth over $1000. This is all so she can collect $539 per month for herself and two children. The foster parent who gets her children gets $820 plus. We spit on the mother on welfare as a parasite who is bleeding the taxpayers, yet we hold the foster and adoptive parents [who are bleeding ten times as much from the taxpayers] up as saints. The adoptive and foster parents aren’t subjected to psychological evaluations, ink blot tests, MMPI’s, drug & alcohol evaluations, or urine screens as the parents are.
By Nev Moore
Massachusetts News

Friday, December 18, 2015

Send Your Case to the US Department of Justice

This is worth your time in all the efforts you are doing to reunite your family.  Anyone who has had a child or children taken from you on unjust causes please contact: The U.S. Dept. of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave, N W -- civil rights division, disability rights section -- 1245- N.y.a.v ,Washington DC 20530
You do not have to be on disability for this. They are fixing to do an all 50 states investigation on why so many children are being taken from their biological families.
Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, children name, age, birthdate, judge's name, social worker's name and, case number. They need this information to start your investigation. It could take up to 6 mo's to hear something about your case but, so many of you WILL get your children back! I wish you the best of luck!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

State by state grounds for termination and codes

State by state grounds and codes

Pennsylvania Circumstances That Are Grounds for Termination of Parental Rights Cons. Stat. Tit. 23, § 2511 The rights of a parent in regard to a child may be terminated after a petition filed on any of the following grounds: • The parent, for at least 6 months, either has evidenced a settled purpose of relinquishing parental claim to a child or has refused or failed to perform parental duties. • The repeated and continued incapacity, abuse, neglect, or refusal of the parent has caused the child to be without essential parental care, control, or subsistence necessary for his or her physical or mental well-being, and the conditions and causes of the incapacity, abuse, neglect, or refusal cannot or will not be remedied by the parent. • The parent is the presumptive but not the natural father of the child. • The child has been found under such circumstances that the identity or whereabouts of the parent is unknown and cannot be ascertained by diligent search, and the parent does not claim the child within 3 months after the child is found. • The child has been in an out-of-home placement for at least 6 months, the conditions that led to the placement continue to exist, the parent cannot or will not remedy those conditions within a reasonable period of time, the services or assistance reasonably available to the parent are not likely to remedy the conditions that led to the removal or placement of the child within a reasonable period of time, and termination of the parental rights would best serve the needs and welfare of the child. • In the case of a newborn child, the parent knows or has reason to know of the child’s birth, does not reside with the child, has not married the child’s other parent, and has failed for 4 months to make reasonable efforts to maintain substantial and continuing contact or to support the child. • The parent is the father of a child conceived as a result of a rape or incest. • The child has been removed from the care of the parent, 12 months or more have elapsed from the date of removal, the conditions that led to the removal continue to exist, and termination of parental rights would best serve the needs and welfare of the child. • The parent has been convicted of one of the following in which the victim was a child of the parent: » Criminal homicide » Aggravated assault » An attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit an offense listed above Circumstances That Are Exceptions to Termination of Parental Rights Cons. Stat. Tit. 23, § 2511 The rights of a parent shall not be terminated solely on the basis of environmental factors such as inadequate housing, furnishings, income, clothing, and medical care, if found to be beyond the control of the parent. Circumstances Allowing Reinstatement of Parental Rights This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed. Grounds for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights https://www.childwelfare.gov 61 This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Child Welfare Information Gateway.