Sunday, March 27, 2016

Evaluations for CYS Profit for all Doctors

This is happening in Berks County.  Doctors all millionaires funded by CYS, your tax dollars and rewarded for Kidjacking. # well known doctors are getting away with this right here.
Ohio - Psychiatrist tops list of highest-paid Ohio employees. CPS 
Court ordered psych evaluations for both parents and their children.
The 51,806 employees who worked in state government offices last year earned more than $3 billion, according to a year-end payroll database. The employee count was higher than 2014 but lower than the 55,442 reported in 2011. Total compensation was up from 2014 but still shy of the $3.1 billion in '11. Last year's total included more than $112 million in overtime pay (down from $113 million-plus a year earlier).
State employees also earned more than $40 million in comp time, nearly $61 million sick time, nearly $193 million in vacation pay and nearly $23 million in personal days -- state employees are allowed a set number of personal time hours annually to use as they wish. The gross average wage for 2015 was $51,270 per employee, up from $48,890 a year earlier.
The Department of Administrative Services released the database to reporters who requested it.
The agency annually compiles spreadsheets listing how much state employees earned in the previous year. The statistics include employees' names, titles, agencies and breakdowns of their earnings.
A psychiatrist in the Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, Zinovi Goubar, was the top wage earner in the state, with $456,000-plus, including $268,612.50 in overtime.

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