Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Arbitration Award Against Lisa Stevens Schuylkill County

 I Served director lisa Stevens of schuylkill county children and youth a 27 page affidavit of proof of claim demand and contract. Now i just have to get my award confirmed at district court. My son, then will be returned to me. Please note my arbitration award not only states that they are to return my child but ms. Lisa stevens owes me as of December 20th 2019 $335,000 plus $5,000 a day for keeping my child from me until he is returned. Now being that I have to take it to district court.... times that by 4 for punitive damages. I don't want a dime I just want my son home, but since she would rather being a heartless, greedy person I will gladly take that money now.  PM if anyone is interested in how I did it. It's time we make a stand. It's time to remind everyone about WE THE PEOPLE. Let us take back our children.

Samantha Dunphy


  1. samantha dunphy please call me 717-708-5674
    marjorie hix fighting for 6 years bccys

  2. samantha dunphy please call me margie hix 717-708-5674 i need help 6 years fighting bccys
