Thursday, July 14, 2016

Parents Right to Raise Their Children

Parents have a fundamental constitutional right to direct the care, control, and upbringing of their children, and this very much comes into consideration when parents are under CYS investigation. CYS caseworkers and employees seem to think that parents have no rights. A parent or parents being investigated for abuse or neglect are frequently treated as if they have less due process rights than a criminal in the court system. It is important for any decision where the government can have an impact on the relationship between a parent and a child for there to be the freedom of a robust discussion of the constitutional rights of parents as it relates to their children.
The U. S. Supreme Court has made it very clear that parents have constitutional rights related to their children.  People would be very concerned if a state official tried to silence or censor discussion about parental rights when making decision about CYS or accountability for the government. Hostility toward parents or the religious faith of parents by elected officials is a growing concern and the public deserves to hear more about this issue, not less.  I agree 100%

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