Monday, March 26, 2018

Our Corrupt Family Courts. It's ALL About the Money!

The repercussions of a Family Court System that is corrupt to the very core. It’s the judges who benefit from larger pensions from the federal incentivized funds the states recieve from the feds, the vastly disproportionate monies paid the family court attorneys, DFS system employees who push families apart and MOST importantly the federal and state legislators who know and see the problem but chose to avert their eyes.
Gentle people this is not a second amendment issue, it is a direct result of a family court system which operates outside of the bounds of the US Constitution.
For those of you who are of the “unintended consequences” ilk I say this.
The federal government budget provides for the payment of roughly $1,000,000,000 to each state every year for incentivized payments matching garnished wages.
The states enact statutes which make the Judiciary immune to the Open Records Act, so that the public can not easily get to the the end recipient of these funds.
The family court judges operate in an immune vacuume and in some states appointed for life. The state DFS are funded by these federal payments.
The federal government legislators, at the bequeath, of the Bar Association lobbyists, do not push through a Family Law ACT which would limit attorney fees in family court matters, similar to what they do for disability and bankruptcy matters.
Who is really holding the gun here?

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