Sunday, August 12, 2018

CYS Wants you to Believe they hold ALL the POWER!

Thank you Linda Snyder Admin Families Against Government Abuse (Dependency)
Please understand that CPS is not all powerful as they want us to believe. The truth is, CPS has no authority or power of their own to force a parent (legally) to do anything! In order to force their demands on a parent, CPS must first convince a judge to issue a court order for whatever it is CPS wants us to do!
Parents also have the right to present evidence and information to the court, to the judge, to dispute the lies...officially...for the record (at every opportunity). When we don't dispute CPS errors, and lies, the official record of our case appears as though we agreed with CPS. And because parents don't know to do this, CPS often gets their way by the judge court ordering whatever it is CPS wants.
CPS agents are experts at making us think they call all the shots. They stand before us making threats, telling us if we don't comply with their demands we will "never see the children again". That is a lie. Legally, it is called coercion, and it is against the law.
And so, we need to keep our focus on the court...on the judge, who is the ONLY one with any real power over us. Think of the movie 'The Wizard of Oz'......when we look behind the curtain, we see a puny little people who have been deceiving us into believing they are more powerful than they really are.

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